Resep: American Hot Chocolate☕️ yang Lezat

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American Hot Chocolate☕️. Easy Hot Chocolate Recipe at home. Made with real chocolate and cocoa powder these hot chocolates will be. This is a traditional South American chocolate drink, but to market it well I made it hot chocolate, even though in the old days South Americans didn't drink it hot.

American Hot Chocolate☕️ Delicious chocolate brownie and ice cream. Pancakes with chocolate sauce fruit and coffee. Hot chocolate, also known as drinking chocolate, cocoa, and as chocolate tea in Nigeria, is a heated drink consisting of shaved chocolate, melted chocolate or cocoa powder, heated milk or water. Bunda bisa mencoba resep American Hot Chocolate☕️ menggunakan 5 bahan dan 3 steps. Berikut adalah cara membuat masakan ini dengan mudah.

Bahan-bahan yang harus di siapkan dari resep American Hot Chocolate☕️

  1. Siapkan 500 ml susu cair uht.
  2. Bunda membutuhkan 1 sdm cokelat bubuk.
  3. Bunda membutuhkan 3 sdm gula pasir.
  4. Siapkan 1/4 sdt garam.
  5. Bunda membutuhkan 75 gram cokelat batang dcc.

The terms Hot Cocoa and Hot Chocolate are often used interchangeably, but technically they are as different as Milk Chocolate and bittersweet chocolate. All chocolate is not created equal. Chocolate pudding is also quite thick. You could add chocolate pudding inside a cake( for example).

Tahapan cara membuat resep American Hot Chocolate☕️

  1. Siapkan bahan-bahannya. Potong kecil cokelat batangnya. Panaskan susu cairnya, masak dengan api kecil..
  2. Setelah susu cair panas, masukkan cokelat bubuk, gula pasir, dan garam. Aduk hingga rata. Tidak perlu sampai mendidih..
  3. Kemudian masukkan cokelat batangnya. Aduk hingga benar-benar rata dan semuanya larut menyatu satu sama lain. Siap dinikmati selagi hangat. Tambahkan marshmallow diatasnya jika suka..

Hot Chocolate isn't perfect -- this LP isn't devoid of filler, but the material is solid more often than not. Except for "You Sexy Thing," the album's best tracks are its. Homemade hot chocolate is so much tastier than instant hot chocolate. Learn to make the perfect winter beverage. Before you turn on your stove, figure out if your chocolate or cocoa powder is sweetened or unsweetened.