Mudahnya Membuat Green Smoothie yang Nikmat

Kumpulan resep, makanan dan minuman.

Green Smoothie. Simple Green Smoothies is a healthy recipe blog that empowers people to embrace a plant-based diet. Discover how the simple, healthy habit that make the best smoothies. Loaded with health benefits, simple to make and taste amazing.

Green Smoothie Time Saving Green Smoothie Diet Plans Green Smoothie Recipe Videos. Free Gifts To Help You Make The Best Green Smoothies. Want to know how to make the healthiest green smoothie? Bunda bisa mencoba resep Green Smoothie menggunakan 8 bahan dan 5 steps. Berikut adalah cara membuat resep itu dengan mudah.

Bahan-bahan yang harus di siapkan dari resep Green Smoothie

  1. Siapkan 2 buah alpuket, bekukan.
  2. Bunda membutuhkan 2 buah pisang, bekukan.
  3. Siapkan 1 buah kiwi.
  4. Siapkan 1 buah pisang.
  5. Bunda membutuhkan secukupnya Kacang almond.
  6. Bunda membutuhkan 100 ml susu cair.
  7. Bunda membutuhkan 2 SDM gula pasir.
  8. Siapkan 1 bks susu Dancow satchet.

You don't even need a recipe, just grab a variety of greens, fruits Are you a green smoothie lover like me? I mean, what's not to love, right? #greensmoothie #simplegreensmoothies #fuelyourpassion. smoothie, mango smoothie, simple green smoothies Меньше. We're here to help you fall in love with plant-powered recipes and fuel your awesome. Green smoothies are a healthy way to drink or replace a meal.

Tahapan cara membuat resep Green Smoothie

  1. Siapkan semua bahan, keluarkan alpuket dan pisang beku dari kulkas.
  2. Masukan dalam blander alpuket beku, pisang beku, susu cair, gula pasir dan susu bubuk. Blander sampai halus.
  3. Siapkan wadah dan masukan Smoothie yg sdh diblander.
  4. Tambahkan garnis.
  5. Sajikan. Selamat menikmati.

Green smoothies are super healthy and super easy to make, and they just might change your life like they did mine. Here is my EPIC guide to green smoothies! Green smoothies seem to be everywhere these days, from juice bars to daytime TV shows. But what's so great about green smoothies? Ready for a green smoothie refresh?